[ad_1] Today, we are excited to announce that Chris McCarthy, President/CEO of Showtime/Paramount Media Networks and MTV Entertainment Studios, has joined Coursera’s Board of Directors. Chris has produced some of the biggest shows on TV, using the power of content to shift perceptions and make a positive impact on important social issues such as mental […]
[ad_1] 仙台育英学園高等学校第104回全国高等学校野球選手権大会 優勝おめでとうございます! 今年の夏の甲子園では、仙台育英学園高等学校の野球部が見事に優勝されました。選手の皆様、関係者の皆様、そして東北地方にお住いの皆様、本当 […] Article source The post 仙台ホストファミリー募集説明会(オンライン)のお知らせ appeared first on EduTravel. [ad_2] Edutravel Malaysia Article
[ad_1] MIT’s recent first annual Day of AI offered thousands of K-12 educators around the world a free series of hands-on activities intended to introduce students to artificial intelligence (AI) and help them explore how AI plays a part in their lives today. Such technologies offer exciting new ways for learners of all ages to […]
[ad_1] Data analysis. Power BI. SQL. These tools and skill sets have become popular over the past decade as organizations rely more on data to drive key business decisions and strategies. Article link The post How to teach yourself data analytics skills appeared first on EduTravel. [ad_2] Edutravel Malaysia Article
[ad_1] ホームステイインジャパンでは現在、名古屋市周辺で留学生をお受入れいただけるホストファミリー様を大募集中です! Article source The post 名古屋市周辺エリア ホストファミリー登録個別相談会(オンライン)のお知らせ appeared first on EduTravel. [ad_2] Edutravel Malaysia Article
[ad_1] By Kevin Mills, Vice President, Coursera for Government From the smallest unit of local government to international organizations, public sector agencies around the world are undergoing digital transformations that leverage new technologies to carry out core functions. This evolution demands new skills and knowledge, chief among them data literacy. Yet successfully driving a data […]
[ad_1] ホームステイインジャパンでは、南山大学(愛知県名古屋市)に通う留学生のホストファミリーを募集しています!ホストファミリーとして、世界各国からやってくる留学生とご家庭で国際交流を楽しんでみませんか? 募集ファミリー数:70 […] Article source The post (愛知)南山大学 春学期留学生ホストファミリー募集! appeared first on EduTravel. [ad_2] Edutravel Malaysia Article
[ad_1] Too often standards and curriculum dictate what students should learn in the classroom without allowing time (or opportunities) for them to pursue their academic interests. Add the pressure on students to attend college at all costs (literally and figuratively), and we find that learning remains dominated by the choices and decisions that adults make. […]
[ad_1] ホームステイインジャパンでは、明治学院大学(白金キャンパス/東京都港区)に通う留学生のホストファミリーを募集しています!ホストファミリーとして、世界各国からやってくる留学生とご家庭で国際交流を楽しんでみませんか? 募集フ […] Article source The post (東京近郊)明治学院大学 秋学期留学生ホストファミリー募集! appeared first on EduTravel. [ad_2] Edutravel Malaysia Article
[ad_1] by Anthony Tattersall, Vice-President for EMEA, Coursera Today, we proudly welcome Hadi Moussa as new General Manager and Managing Director for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). In this new role, Hadi will work closely with the EMEA leadership team to define the business strategy and help drive new growth in the region across […]
[ad_1] Are you considering a career change? First of all, give yourself a pat on the back! The decision to switch careers is a big one. It takes courage and determination to embrace change in your professional life, no matter what age you are or how advanced you are in your career. Before making any […]
[ad_1] After earning his culinary degree in Washington, Steven Schmidt went to work as a chef at the University of North Texas. There, Steven also enrolled in the online program for the Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS) from UNT in the fall of 2020. After earning his culinary degree in Washington, Steven Schmidt […]