[ad_1] It might be curtains down for Oscars 2023, but we are not getting over this glamorous event anytime soon. Celebrated to honor and applaud the best performances in the films, this year it was hosted by Jimmy Kimmel and was graced by some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry. A champagne-colored carpet […]
[ad_1] When it comes to overseas online shopping, apart from the USA which is the most popular place for our members to shop online, there are actually many Australian brands and retailers that you can shop without travelling to Australia. Whether you are shopping for health supplements or skincare, you can shop for Aussie-made products […]
[ad_1] The top designer handbag brands possess several salient attributes that render them highly coveted. Unparalleled artistry, employment of the choicest materials, and a tireless commitment to minutiae—all augmented by a sense of exclusivity—blend to confer upon these brands their esteemed status. Here we take a closer look at what to expect from the most […]
[ad_1] St. Patrick’s Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick, is a cultural and religious celebration held on 17 March, 2023 to commemorate Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, and celebrates the heritage and culture of the Irish in general. It’s also a day associated with seasonal markdowns and spring sales in […]
[ad_1] Many years before the genesis of what would become Women’s History Month, female fashion designers began creating their paths to empower women with clothes that would make them feel confident and create jobs that sustained livelihoods. Even today, most people associate fashion with women, and the standard runway, clothing boutiques, and stores predominately serve […]
[ad_1] George is a British fashion brand offering quality clothing with affordable price that has extended itself onto High Street fairly quick. Although George at ASDA offers international shipping, the shipping cost to Malaysia is expensive. Wondering how to save on international shipping fees? You can now shop your favourites for less directly from George […]
[ad_1] Because of the excellent quality and desirability of designer pieces, finding ideal discounts can be difficult. The competition for iconic objects priced cheaper than their original MRP will always be tough. Since most luxury brands do not need to offer discounts to boost sales, securing an excellent deal is a huge accomplishment. Photo Credit: […]
[ad_1] Using Gua Sha Massage Techniques When it comes to beauty, we do tend to splurge a little (or a lot) when it comes to optimising our skincare regime with various beauty tools or gadgets on the market. You’ve probably seen the popular ones, like electronic facial devices, blackhead suckers, or using pretty tools like […]
[ad_1] Blizzards have occurred in the west coast of the U.S. recently, which has seriously affected both the land and air traffic in Portland. At this time, there may be delays in the local delivery time to the U.S. mainland. Hence, the arrival time of shipments getting into our Hong Kong warehouse may also be […]
[ad_1] 相信 iPad 已经成为了一众用家生活中不可缺少的一部分,除了日常娱乐用之外,不少人亦会在上班或上学时使用,更有不少画家会用来画插画;而庞大的市场需求则衍生出各类型有助提升生产力的配件,就如近年大热的类纸膜、触控笔、键盘连保护壳等,各位 iPad用家也不妨来看看有什么配件产品值得入手吧~ iPad 必买配件推介 Apple Pencil (第 2 代) 忠实「果迷」iPad 用家必备! Apple Pencil (第 2 代) 提供像素完美的精准度和低延迟度,非常适合绘图、着色、做笔记等不同工作,同时采用平边设计,可通过磁性吸附,实现自动充电和配对。 适用于 iPad Pro 及 iPad Air 美国 Amazon 历史最低价:RM394(USD89)【为历史最低价,可定期到 Amazon 查看价格】 立即购买 Adonit Note+ 触控笔 无需使用蓝芽配对,打开电源即可使用,可连接特定至应用程式自订「双快捷键」及使用「感压功能」,同时可更换笔头、更可边充电边使用。 适用于 iPad 及 iPad Pro 美国官网特价:RM248(US56)【加入购物车即可看到此优惠价】 立即购买 Elecom 纸绘质感保护贴 (装脱式肯特纸) 为有效防止光线反射的雾面设计,画面不伤眼睛、更易阅读,并经防指纹处理,即使使用轻触式操作亦不太显指纹。 适用于 iPad Pro 11 吋 (2022 年第 4 […]
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[ad_1] 日本最大、最全面、最多人喜欢的日本网购平台 Rakuten乐天市场,商品内容应有尽有,总数达 1000 万以上!到这里网购 Tiger、Asics、Hoka、New Balance、Keen、Moonstar 等运动品牌的波鞋、休闲鞋,不但款式更多,价格亦更低!小编整理了 6 大品牌的介绍,以及人气鞋款推荐,想买鞋的你赶紧收藏这篇文章~ 内容目录 → 乐天必买6大运动鞋品牌→ 人气鞋款推荐 乐天必买6大运动鞋品牌 Onitsuka Tiger 和 ASICS 属于同一家公司,为品牌鼻祖,由鬼冢喜八郎于 1949 年所创建,专门研发专业运动员的运动鞋,其后逐步推出专业跑鞋等,最经典的 MEXICO66 系列,就是由 1968 年的墨西哥奥运代表队队鞋演变而成。 Tiger@乐天 Asics 于 1977 年 Onitsuka Tiger 与两间产业合并成立 ASICS ,延续创立之初的精神,提供更高机能与高科技的运动鞋,以专业田径鞋款闻名,当中最具代表性的是 ASICS GEL(亚瑟胶)的运用技术。 Asics@乐天 Alpen Group@乐天 HOKA ONE ONE 法国品牌,于 2009 年所创立,由于两名创办人都曾经于以越野鞋及行山鞋闻名的 Salomon 工作,同时又是超马跑手,故有着同样理念希望研发出最舒适好穿的跑鞋,因而创立品牌。 Step Sports@乐天 New Balance 美国体育用品制造商,多个经典、人气鞋款如 990、 […]